Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Twitter @PS10Brooklyn - Our hashtags!

In the previous post, Twitter @10, I wrote about Twitter as a platform and offered a solution for following Twitter users without actually have a Twitter account, or even a smartphone.

The previous post also listed all the teaches with Twitter accounts at PS 10.

This post is more geared toward people with a Twitter account looking to get a more streamlined PS 10 experience out of the Twitter platform...

... PS 10 has a school-wide Twitter account, @PS10Brooklyn, which we use to publicize general news and events related to the school. We also use @PS10Brooklyn to share & promote the great things teachers are doing in their classrooms.

With so many teachers using Twitter, and so many great things being published, it can be a bit daunting to follow all the teachers or hope @PS10Brooklyn will promote all teacher posts (it wont, it can't, just not enough time in the day).

To make the filtering of PS10-related tweets we have created hashtags for the school. Hashtags are basically searchable/filterable terms to simplify finding things.

The PS 10 hashtags are:

  • #ps10bk - this references general happenings within the building
  • #ps10st - this references a student doing the tweeting. Tweets with this hashtags are written, with supervision, by students from the teacher account. 2 examples of this are:
    • @MsGlemboki - she also uses #2310st to further filter class 2-310 specific student tweeters
    • @PS10Tech - the Twitter account for the Lab, 99% of tweets are student writen
  • #ps10sw - this references student work, or students working. This hashtag will showcase student work products and student efforts throughout the building

You can also follow these hashtags in a very visual format from a browser, without a Twitter account, by visiting our TagBoards:

Hopefully these options will help make the PS 10 Twitter experience more enjoyable for all members of the PS 10 community, not just the twitter-ers among us...

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