
Below you will find the grading rubrics for all the assignments in the Computer Lab


Blog Homework

  • These are the assignments given over the 4 vacations (Thanksgiving, Christmas, February, Spring breaks) and the comments are due before the student returns to the computer lab for the next class. 
  • The overall purpose is to have the student's writing published on the blog. Even a blog comment is writing authored by an individual. It is important for students to begin to understand the power & reach the published word has on the internet. Blog comments are a great first step in digital publishing...

4 - on time, all full & complete sentences, detailed response, zero grammar/spelling errors, signed correctly (First Name Last initial only - no last names!)

3 - on time, mostly full & complete sentences, detailed response, some grammar/spelling errors, signed correctly (First Name Last initial only - no last names!)

2 - on time, no full & complete sentences, not a detailed response, many grammar/spelling errors, signed incorrectly (if a post is signed with a full name, a parents name/email account, or a class listed the post will not be published)

1 - late, no full & complete sentences, not a detailed response, many grammar/spelling errors, signed incorrectly (if a post is signed with a full name, a parents name/email account, or a class listed the post will not be published)

0 - never submitted or submitted without any identifying information (if you sign it "Anonymous" or the identity is a parents email account there is no way to associate the post with a student so no credit is given)


Presentations (Google/PowerPoint/Keynote)

all presentations need the following aspects, which all relate to the final scoring:
  • 9 slides
  • Full title per slide (more than one word)
  • At least 3 bullets per slide
    • written in bullet style, not paragraph form
    • sub-bullets count toward total
  • At least 1 relevant picture per slide (picture must be directly associated with slide content)
  • All slide items animated
  • All animations either "with previous" or "after previous"
  • Slide transitions for every slide 
    • For PowerPoint & Keynote transitions must be automatic with timings/delays set so the presentation can run automatically from start to finish, like a movie (Google Presentations do not offer automatic transition timing as an option)

Every presentation project will take between 6 & 8 weeks

4 - complete, all elements included, zero spelling/grammar errors, perfect timings & transitions, finished at least 1 full period before rest of the class

3 - complete, all elements included (bullets, animations, transitions, etc), few spelling/grammar errors

2 - incomplete, recurring spelling & grammar errors, missing elements (pictures, animations, bullets, etc)

1 - incomplete, unfinished, missing most components, many spelling & grammar errors

More Rubrics to some...